This short advanced program was designed with ambitious objectives: to create an exclusive learning platform and network where academia, industry and venture capitalists interact fruitfully.
Indeed, the structure of the Networking Event Series BioBusiness is based on program modules with emphasis on Entrepreneurship, Life Sciences and Venture Finance. These modules have been integrated in a progressive order of thematic clusters. With a common denominator — the creation and financing of BioEnterprises — they range from Basics in BioBusiness to Opportunity Recognition and Start-up Creation, including Mandatory Regulatory and Legal Aspects as well as Financing, to end with an overview of possible Exit Strategies. During the week, participants may also draft a plan for developing a new opportunity in their area. In addition, lectures will be complemented by case studies and extensive discussions.
This program reflects a deliberately highly interdisciplinary approach to target more particularly young and future entrepreneurs, by giving them an opportunity to learn, talk, discuss, maybe to invent, and share their experiences.
Lectures and seminars are taught by a world-class team of instructors from the Institute of Finance of the University of Lugano, industry and venture capital.
We would be very pleased to welcome you to BioBusiness and Lugano!
Dr. Heidrun Flaadt Cervini
Director, Center of Advanced Studies on Entrepreneurship in BioMedicine (CASE BioMed)